Motr  M0
m0_be_tx Struct Reference

#include <tx.h>

Collaboration diagram for m0_be_tx:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

struct m0_sm t_sm
uint64_t t_id
struct m0_be_enginet_engine
struct m0_be_domaint_dom
struct m0_tlink t_engine_linkage
struct m0_tlink t_group_linkage
uint64_t t_magic
struct m0_be_tx_credit t_prepared
struct m0_be_reg_area t_reg_area
m0_be_tx_cb_t t_persistent
m0_be_tx_cb_t t_discarded
void(* t_filler )(struct m0_be_tx *tx, void *payload)
void * t_datum
uint64_t t_lsn
m0_bindex_t t_lsn_discarded
struct m0_buf t_payload
m0_bcount_t t_payload_prepared
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_grouping
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_active
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_failed
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_logged
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_placed
struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_done
struct m0_be_tx_groupt_group
uint32_t t_ref
bool t_log_reserved
m0_bcount_t t_log_reserved_size
bool t_fast
bool t_exclusive
bool t_gc_enabled
void(* t_gc_free )(struct m0_be_tx *tx, void *param)
void * t_gc_param
struct m0_tlink t_first_capture_linkage
bool t_recovering
bool t_grouped
struct m0_atomic64 t_fdmi_ref
struct m0_tlink t_fdmi_linkage
struct m0_sm_ast t_fdmi_put_ast

Detailed Description


Definition at line 280 of file tx.h.

Field Documentation

◆ t_ast_active

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_active

Definition at line 367 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ast_done

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_done

Definition at line 371 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ast_failed

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_failed

Definition at line 368 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ast_grouping

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_grouping

Definition at line 366 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ast_logged

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_logged

Definition at line 369 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ast_placed

struct m0_sm_ast t_ast_placed

Definition at line 370 of file tx.h.

◆ t_datum

void* t_datum

User-specified value, associated with the transaction. Transaction engine doesn't interpret this value. It can be used to pass additional information to the call-backs.

Definition at line 339 of file tx.h.

◆ t_discarded

m0_be_tx_cb_t t_discarded

This optional call-back is called when a stable transaction is about to be discarded from the history.

A typical user of this call-back is ioservice that uses ->t_discarded to initiate a new transaction to free storage space used by the COW-ed file extents.

Definition at line 318 of file tx.h.

◆ t_dom

struct m0_be_domain* t_dom

The BE domain can't be changed during the entire lifetime of the transaction, so it's safe to read this field at any moment between m0_be_tx_init() is called and the transaction is finalised.

Definition at line 291 of file tx.h.

◆ t_engine

struct m0_be_engine* t_engine

Definition at line 285 of file tx.h.

◆ t_engine_linkage

struct m0_tlink t_engine_linkage

Linkage in one of m0_be_tx_engine::eng_txs[] lists.

Definition at line 294 of file tx.h.

◆ t_exclusive

bool t_exclusive

Flag indicates that this transaction was opened with m0_be_tx_exclusive_open().

Definition at line 388 of file tx.h.

◆ t_fast

bool t_fast

Flag indicates that tx_group should be closed immediately

Remove when m0_be_tx_close_sync() is removed

Definition at line 383 of file tx.h.

◆ t_fdmi_linkage

struct m0_tlink t_fdmi_linkage

Locked txn list. Used in FOL FDMI source implementation.

_ini and _fini is done in fdmi fol source code.

Definition at line 418 of file tx.h.

◆ t_fdmi_put_ast

struct m0_sm_ast t_fdmi_put_ast

Used by FOL source to put tx when FDMI finishes with it.

Will be fixed when proper refcounting is implemented in second phase of FDMI work.

Definition at line 424 of file tx.h.

◆ t_fdmi_ref

struct m0_atomic64 t_fdmi_ref

FDMI reference counter. Used in FOL FDMI source implementation.

Fix this when proper refcounting is implemented.

Definition at line 412 of file tx.h.

◆ t_filler

void(* t_filler) (struct m0_be_tx *tx, void *payload)

XXX update. An optional call-back called when the transaction is being closed.

"payload" parameter is the pointer to a m0_be_tx::t_payload_size-d buffer, that will be written to the log.

->t_filler() can capture regions in the transaction.

A typical use of this call-back is to form a "fol record" used by DTM for distributed transaction management.

Definition at line 332 of file tx.h.

◆ t_first_capture_linkage

struct m0_tlink t_first_capture_linkage
See also

Definition at line 396 of file tx.h.

◆ t_gc_enabled

bool t_gc_enabled
See also

Definition at line 392 of file tx.h.

◆ t_gc_free

void(* t_gc_free) (struct m0_be_tx *tx, void *param)

Definition at line 393 of file tx.h.

◆ t_gc_param

void* t_gc_param

Definition at line 394 of file tx.h.

◆ t_group

struct m0_be_tx_group* t_group

Definition at line 372 of file tx.h.

◆ t_group_linkage

struct m0_tlink t_group_linkage

Linkage in m0_be_tx_group::tg_txs.

Definition at line 296 of file tx.h.

◆ t_grouped

bool t_grouped

Set by engine when tx is grouped. Prevents the tx from grouping twice.

Definition at line 407 of file tx.h.

◆ t_id

uint64_t t_id

Transaction identifier, assigned by the engine.

Definition at line 284 of file tx.h.

◆ t_log_reserved

bool t_log_reserved

Set when space in log is reserved by engine.

Definition at line 376 of file tx.h.

◆ t_log_reserved_size

m0_bcount_t t_log_reserved_size

Definition at line 378 of file tx.h.

◆ t_lsn

uint64_t t_lsn

lsn of transaction representation in the log. Assigned when the transaction reaches GROUPED state.

Definition at line 344 of file tx.h.

◆ t_lsn_discarded

m0_bindex_t t_lsn_discarded

No BE transaction with lsn less than this is going to be recovered by BE recovery.

See also

Definition at line 350 of file tx.h.

◆ t_magic

uint64_t t_magic

Definition at line 297 of file tx.h.

◆ t_payload

struct m0_buf t_payload

Payload area.

  • memory for the payload area is managed by the transaction. It is allocated when transaction opens and it is deallocated inside m0_be_tx_fini();
  • user should call m0_be_tx_payload_prep() at M0_BTS_PREPARE state to accumulate payload area size.

Don't allocate m0_be_tx::t_payload separately. Use m0_be_tx_group preallocated payload area.

Use m0_be_tx::t_filler callback to fill m0_be_tx::t_payload.

Definition at line 364 of file tx.h.

◆ t_payload_prepared

m0_bcount_t t_payload_prepared

Definition at line 365 of file tx.h.

◆ t_persistent

m0_be_tx_cb_t t_persistent

Optional call-back called when the transaction is guaranteed to survive all further failures. This is invoked upon log IO completion.

Definition at line 308 of file tx.h.

◆ t_prepared

struct m0_be_tx_credit t_prepared

Updates prepared for at PREPARE state.

Definition at line 300 of file tx.h.

◆ t_recovering

bool t_recovering

Minimal generation index for all captured regions.

This field is set and managed by engine.

Definition at line 402 of file tx.h.

◆ t_ref

uint32_t t_ref

Reference counter.

Definition at line 374 of file tx.h.

◆ t_reg_area

struct m0_be_reg_area t_reg_area

Definition at line 301 of file tx.h.

◆ t_sm

struct m0_sm t_sm

Definition at line 281 of file tx.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: