Motr  M0
m0_rm_incoming Struct Reference

#include <rm.h>

Collaboration diagram for m0_rm_incoming:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

enum m0_rm_incoming_type rin_type
struct m0_sm rin_sm
int32_t rin_rc
enum m0_rm_incoming_policy rin_policy
uint64_t rin_flags
struct m0_rm_credit rin_want
struct m0_tl rin_pins
int rin_priority
const struct m0_rm_incoming_opsrin_ops
m0_time_t rin_req_time
struct m0_rm_reserve_prio rin_reserve
struct m0_rm_remoterin_remote
uint64_t rin_magix

Detailed Description

Resource usage credit request.

The same m0_rm_incoming structure is used to track state of the incoming requests both "local", i.e., from the same domain where the owner resides and "remote".

An incoming request is created for

- local credit request, when some user wants to use the resource;

- remote credit request from a "downward" owner which asks to sub-let
  some credits;

- remote credit request from an "upward" owner which wants to revoke some

These usages are differentiated by m0_rm_incoming::rin_type.

An incoming request is a state machine, going through the following stages:

- [CHECK]   This stage determines whether the request can be fulfilled
            immediately. Local request can be fulfilled immediately if
            the wanted credit is possessed by the owner, that is, if
            in->rin_want is implied by a join of owner->ro_owned[].

            A non-local (loan or revoke) request can be fulfilled
            immediately if the wanted credit is implied by a join of
            owner->ro_owned[OWOS_CACHED], that is, if the owner has
            enough credits to grant the loan and the wanted credit does
            not conflict with locally held credits.

- [POLICY]  If the request can be fulfilled immediately, the "policy" is
            invoked which decides which credit should be actually
            granted, sublet or revoked. That credit can be larger than
            requested. A policy is, generally, resource type dependent,
            with a few universal policies defined by enum

- [SUCCESS] Finally, fulfilled request succeeds.

- [ISSUE]   Otherwise, if the request can not be fulfilled immediately,
            "pins" (m0_rm_pin) are added which will notify the request
            when the fulfillment check might succeed.

            Pins are added to:

                - every conflicting credit held by this owner (when
                  RIF_LOCAL_WAIT flag is set on the request and always
                  for a remote request);

                - outgoing requests to revoke conflicting credits sub-let
                  to remote owners (when RIF_MAY_REVOKE flag is set);

                - outgoing requests to borrow missing credits from remote
                  owners (when RIF_MAY_BORROW flag is set);

                - reserved credits if current request has smaller reserve

            Outgoing requests mentioned above are created as necessary
            in the ISSUE stage.

- [CYCLE]   When all the pins stuck in the ISSUE state are released
            (either when a local credit is released or when an outgoing
            request completes or when reserved credits are granted),
            go back to the CHECK state.

Looping back to the CHECK state is necessary, because possessed non-reserved credits are not "pinned" during wait and can go away (be revoked or sub-let). The credits are not pinned to avoid dependencies between credits that can lead to dead-locks and "cascading evictions". But in this case there is possibility of live-lock.

The alternative is to use RIF_RESERVE flag that leads to pinning credits with M0_RPF_BARRIER. Dead-locks are avoided by determining global strict ordering between such requests using "reserve priority" (m0_rm_reserve_prio). Reserve priority is assigned once to the local incoming request and then inherited by all remote requests created in sake of that local request fulfillment. Therefore reserve priorities are handled consistently through the whole cluster.

Reserve priorities are used only to avoid possible dead-locks and live-locks. There is no guarantee that request with higher reserve priority will be fully fulfilled before request with lower reserve priority.

If probability of a live-lock is low enough then using incoming requests without RIF_RESERVE flag is preferable.

How many outgoing requests are sent out in ISSUE state is a matter of policy. The fewer requests are sent, the more CHECK-ISSUE-WAIT loop iterations would typically happen. An extreme case of sending no more than a single request is also possible and has some advantages: outgoing request can be allocated as part of incoming request, simplifying memory management.

It is also a matter of policy, how exactly the request is satisfied after a successful CHECK state. Suppose, for example, that the owner possesses credits C0 and C1 such that wanted credit W is implied by join(C0, C1), but neither C0 nor C1 alone imply W. Some possible CHECK outcomes are:

- increase user counts in both C0 and C1;

- insert a new credit equal to W into owner->ro_owned[];

- insert a new credit equal to join(C0, C1) into owner->ro_owned[].

All have their advantages and drawbacks:

- elevating C0 and C1 user counts keeps owner->ro_owned[] smaller, but
  pins more credits than strictly necessary;

- inserting W behaves badly in a standard use case where a thread doing
  sequential IO requests a credit on each iteration;

- inserting the join pins more credits than strictly necessary.

All policy questions are settled by per-request flags and owner settings, based on access pattern analysis.

Following is a state diagram, where stages that are performed without blocking (for network communication) are lumped into a single state:

*                                 SUCCESS-----------------------+
*                                    ^                          |
*             too many iterations    |                          |
*                  live-lock         |    last completion       |
*                +-----------------CHECK<-----------------+     |
*                |                   |                    |     |
*                |                   |                    |     |
*                V                   |                    |     |
*        +----FAILURE                | pins placed        |     |
*        |       ^                   |                    |     |
*        |       |                   |                    |     |
*        |       |                   V                    |     |
*        |       +----------------WAITING-----------------+     |
*        |            timeout      ^   |                        |
*        |                         |   | completion             |
*        |                         |   |                        |
*        |                         +---+                        |
*        |                                                      |
*        |                         RELEASED<--------------------+
*        |                            |
*        |                            |
*        |                            V
*        +------------------------->FINAL

m0_rm_incoming fields and state transitions are protected by the owner's mutex.

a cedent can grant a usage credit larger than requested.

An incoming request is placed by m0_rm_credit_get() on one of owner's m0_rm_owner::ro_incoming[] lists depending on its priority. It remains on this list until request processing failure or m0_rm_credit_put() call.

a new type of incoming request M0_RIT_GRANT (M0_RIT_FOIEGRAS?) can be added to forcibly grant new credits to the owner, for example, as part of a coordinated global distributed resource usage balancing between owners. Processing of requests of this type would be very simple, because adding new credits never blocks. Similarly, a new outgoing request type M0_ROT_TAKE could be added.

Definition at line 1434 of file rm.h.

Field Documentation

◆ rin_flags

uint64_t rin_flags

Definition at line 1448 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_magix

uint64_t rin_magix

Definition at line 1478 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_ops

const struct m0_rm_incoming_ops* rin_ops

Definition at line 1471 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_pins

struct m0_tl rin_pins

List of pins, linked through m0_rm_pin::rp_incoming_linkage, for all credits held to satisfy this request.

meaning of this list depends on the request state:
  • RI_CHECK, RI_SUCCESS: a list of M0_RPF_PROTECT pins on credits in ->rin_want.cr_owner->ro_owned[];
  • RI_WAIT: a list of M0_RPF_TRACK pins on outgoing requests (through m0_rm_outgoing::rog_want::rl_credit::cr_pins) and held credits in ->rin_want.cr_owner->ro_owned[OWOS_HELD];
  • other states: empty.

Definition at line 1466 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_policy

enum m0_rm_incoming_policy rin_policy

Definition at line 1447 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_priority

int rin_priority

Request priority from 0 to M0_RM_REQUEST_PRIORITY_MAX.

Definition at line 1470 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_rc

int32_t rin_rc

Stores the error code for incoming request. A separate field is needed because rin_sm.sm_rc is associated with an error of a state.

For incoming it's possible that an error is set in RI_WAIT and then incoming has to be put back in RI_CHECK state before it can be put into RI_FAILURE. The state-machine model does not handle this well.

Definition at line 1446 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_remote

struct m0_rm_remote* rin_remote

Pointer to the remote owner of wanted credit.

Definition at line 1477 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_req_time

m0_time_t rin_req_time

Start time for this request

Definition at line 1473 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_reserve

struct m0_rm_reserve_prio rin_reserve

Determines reserve priority of the request.

Definition at line 1475 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_sm

struct m0_sm rin_sm

Definition at line 1436 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_type

enum m0_rm_incoming_type rin_type

Definition at line 1435 of file rm.h.

◆ rin_want

struct m0_rm_credit rin_want

The credit requested.

Definition at line 1450 of file rm.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: