Motr  M0
sw.h File Reference
#include "lib/types.h"
#include "cm/ag.h"
#include "cm/ag_xc.h"
#include "xcode/xcode_attr.h"
#include "fop/fop.h"
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Data Structures

struct  m0_cm_sw
struct  m0_cm_local_ep
struct  m0_cm_sw_onwire
struct  m0_cm_sw_onwire_rep
struct  m0_cm_sw_update


#define __MOTR_CM_SW_H__


struct m0_cm_sw M0_XCA_DOMAIN (rpc)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_cm_sw_onwire_init (struct m0_cm *cm, struct m0_cm_sw_onwire *sw_onwire, uint64_t proxy_id, const char *ep, const struct m0_cm_sw *sw, const struct m0_cm_sw *out_interval)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_set (struct m0_cm_sw *dst, const struct m0_cm_ag_id *lo, const struct m0_cm_ag_id *hi)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_copy (struct m0_cm_sw *dst, const struct m0_cm_sw *src)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_cm_sw_is_set (const struct m0_cm_sw *sw)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_cm_sw_cmp (const struct m0_cm_sw *sw0, const struct m0_cm_sw *sw1)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_cm_sw_local_update (struct m0_cm *cm)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_cm_sw_remote_update (struct m0_cm *cm)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_update_init (struct m0_cm_type *cmtype)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_update_start (struct m0_cm *cm)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_update_complete (struct m0_cm *cm)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_cm_sw_update_fom_wakeup (struct m0_cm_sw_update *swu)


struct m0_cm_ag_id sw_lo
struct m0_cm_ag_id sw_hi
uint32_t ep_size
char * ep
m0_time_t swo_cm_epoch
uint64_t swo_sender_id
struct m0_cm_local_ep swo_cm_ep
struct m0_cm_sw swo_in_interval
struct m0_cm_sw swo_out_interval
uint32_t swo_cm_status
int swr_rc
struct m0_cm_sw_update M0_XCA_DOMAIN

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __MOTR_CM_SW_H__

#define __MOTR_CM_SW_H__

Definition at line 26 of file sw.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ ep

char* ep

Definition at line 132 of file sw.h.

◆ ep_size

uint32_t ep_size

Definition at line 131 of file sw.h.

◆ sw_hi

struct m0_cm_ag_id sw_hi

Definition at line 132 of file sw.h.

◆ sw_lo

struct m0_cm_ag_id sw_lo

Definition at line 131 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_cm_ep

struct m0_cm_local_ep swo_cm_ep

Replica's local endpoint.

Definition at line 137 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_cm_epoch

m0_time_t swo_cm_epoch

Beginning of copy machine operation.

Definition at line 132 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_cm_status

uint32_t swo_cm_status

Definition at line 145 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_in_interval

struct m0_cm_sw swo_in_interval

Sender copy machine's [hi, lo] from incoming aggregation groups.

Definition at line 140 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_out_interval

struct m0_cm_sw swo_out_interval

Sender copy machine's [hi, lo] from outgoing aggregation groups.

Definition at line 143 of file sw.h.

◆ swo_sender_id

uint64_t swo_sender_id

Definition at line 134 of file sw.h.

◆ swr_rc

int swr_rc

Definition at line 131 of file sw.h.