Motr  M0
op.c File Reference
#include "lib/trace.h"
#include "be/op.h"
#include "lib/misc.h"
#include "fop/fom.h"
#include "motr/magic.h"
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 M0_TL_DESCR_DEFINE (bos, "m0_be_op::bo_children", static, struct m0_be_op, bo_set_link, bo_set_link_magic, M0_BE_OP_SET_LINK_MAGIC, M0_BE_OP_SET_MAGIC)
 M0_TL_DEFINE (bos, static, struct m0_be_op)
static void be_op_sm_init (struct m0_be_op *op)
static void be_op_sm_fini (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_init (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_fini (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_lock (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_unlock (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_op_is_locked (const struct m0_be_op *op)
static void be_op_set_add (struct m0_be_op *parent, struct m0_be_op *child)
static bool be_op_set_del (struct m0_be_op *parent, struct m0_be_op *child)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_reset (struct m0_be_op *op)
static void be_op_state_change (struct m0_be_op *op, enum m0_be_op_state state)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_active (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_done (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_op_is_done (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_callback_set (struct m0_be_op *op, m0_be_op_cb_t cb, void *param, enum m0_be_op_state state)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_op_tick_ret (struct m0_be_op *op, struct m0_fom *fom, int next_state)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_wait (struct m0_be_op *op)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_set_add (struct m0_be_op *parent, struct m0_be_op *child)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_op_rc_set (struct m0_be_op *op, int rc)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_op_rc (struct m0_be_op *op)


static struct m0_sm_state_descr op_states []
static struct m0_sm_trans_descr op_trans []
M0_INTERNAL struct m0_sm_conf op_states_conf

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 23 of file op.c.