Motr  M0
m0_tl_descr Struct Reference

#include <tlist.h>

Collaboration diagram for m0_tl_descr:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

const char * td_name
int td_link_offset
int td_link_magic_offset
uint64_t td_link_magic
uint64_t td_head_magic
size_t td_container_size

Detailed Description

An instance of this type must be defined for each "tlist type", specifically for each link embedded in an ambient type.

                      ambient object
                       +  +-----------+  +
  td_link_magic_offset |  |           |  |
                       v  |           |  |
                          |-----------|  |
                          |link magic |  | td_link_offset
                          |-----------|  |
                          |           |  |
     head                 |           |  |
 +->+----------+          |           |  |
 |  |head magic|          |           |  v
 |  |----------|          |-----------|
 |  |        +----------->|link     +------------> . . . ---+
 |  +----------+          |-----------|                     |
 |                        |           |                     |
 |                        |           |                     |
 |                        |           |                     |
 |                        |           |                     |
 |                        +-----------+                     |
 |                                                          |

Definition at line 204 of file tlist.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: