Motr  M0
m0_cm_proxy Struct Reference

#include <proxy.h>

Collaboration diagram for m0_cm_proxy:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

uint64_t px_id
m0_time_t px_epoch
struct m0_cm_sw px_sw
struct m0_cm_sw px_last_sw_onwire_sent
struct m0_cm_sw px_out_interval
struct m0_cm_ag_id px_last_out_sent
struct m0_sm_ast px_sw_onwire_ast
struct m0_sm_ast px_fail_ast
struct m0_sm_ast px_online_ast
enum m0_proxy_state px_status
bool px_is_done
uint64_t px_nr_updates_posted
int px_update_rc
uint32_t px_updates_pending
struct m0_cmpx_cm
struct m0_tl px_pending_cps
struct m0_mutex px_mutex
struct m0_rpc_connpx_conn
struct m0_rpc_sessionpx_session
const char * px_endpoint
struct m0_tlink px_linkage
struct m0_tlink px_fail_linkage
struct m0_clink px_ha_link
bool px_send_final_update
uint64_t px_magic

Detailed Description

Represents remote replica and stores its details including its sliding window.

Definition at line 61 of file proxy.h.

Field Documentation

◆ px_cm

struct m0_cm* px_cm

Back reference to local copy machine.

Definition at line 103 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_conn

struct m0_rpc_conn* px_conn

Definition at line 114 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_endpoint

const char* px_endpoint

Definition at line 118 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_epoch

m0_time_t px_epoch

Definition at line 65 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_fail_ast

struct m0_sm_ast px_fail_ast

Definition at line 87 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_fail_linkage

struct m0_tlink px_fail_linkage

Definition at line 126 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_ha_link

struct m0_clink px_ha_link

Listens for an event on io service's configuration object's HA channel. Used to update proxy status in the clink callback on HA notification.

Definition at line 134 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_id

uint64_t px_id

Remote replica's identifier.

Definition at line 63 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_is_done

bool px_is_done

Definition at line 93 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_last_out_sent

struct m0_cm_ag_id px_last_out_sent

Identifier of last aggregation group sent to this proxy having outgoing copy packets.

Definition at line 83 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_last_sw_onwire_sent

struct m0_cm_sw px_last_sw_onwire_sent

Last local sliding window update sent to this replica.

Definition at line 71 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_linkage

struct m0_tlink px_linkage

Linkage into copy machine proxy list.

See also
struct m0_cm::cm_proxies

Definition at line 124 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_magic

uint64_t px_magic

Definition at line 144 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_mutex

struct m0_mutex px_mutex

Definition at line 112 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_nr_updates_posted

uint64_t px_nr_updates_posted

Definition at line 95 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_online_ast

struct m0_sm_ast px_online_ast

Definition at line 89 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_out_interval

struct m0_cm_sw px_out_interval

Identifier of the last aggregation group received from this proxy having outgoing copy packets.

Definition at line 77 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_pending_cps

struct m0_tl px_pending_cps

Pending list of copy packets to be forwarded to the remote replica.

See also

Definition at line 110 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_send_final_update

bool px_send_final_update

If true, post a one final update to remote copy machine corresponding to this proxy. True when copy machine has completed processing all its aggregation groups.

Definition at line 142 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_session

struct m0_rpc_session* px_session

Definition at line 116 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_status

enum m0_proxy_state px_status

Definition at line 91 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_sw

struct m0_cm_sw px_sw

Remote replica's sliding window.

Definition at line 68 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_sw_onwire_ast

struct m0_sm_ast px_sw_onwire_ast

Definition at line 85 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_update_rc

int px_update_rc

0 if sw update was successfull.

Definition at line 98 of file proxy.h.

◆ px_updates_pending

uint32_t px_updates_pending

Definition at line 100 of file proxy.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: