Motr  M0
seg.c File Reference
#include "lib/trace.h"
#include "be/seg.h"
#include "lib/misc.h"
#include "lib/memory.h"
#include "lib/errno.h"
#include "lib/time.h"
#include "lib/atomic.h"
#include "motr/version.h"
#include "stob/stob.h"
#include "be/seg_internal.h"
#include "be/io.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <search.h>
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static const struct m0_be_seg_geombe_seg_geom_find_by_id (const struct m0_be_seg_hdr *hdr, uint64_t id)
static int be_seg_geom_len (const struct m0_be_seg_geom *geom)
static int be_seg_hdr_size (void)
static int be_seg_hdr_create (struct m0_stob *stob, struct m0_be_seg_hdr *hdr)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_seg_geom_eq (const struct m0_be_seg_geom *left, const struct m0_be_seg_geom *right)
static bool be_seg_geom_has_no_overlapps (const struct m0_be_seg_geom *geom, int len)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg_create_multiple (struct m0_stob *stob, const struct m0_be_seg_geom *geom)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg_create (struct m0_be_seg *seg, m0_bcount_t size, void *addr)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg_destroy (struct m0_be_seg *seg)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_seg_init (struct m0_be_seg *seg, struct m0_stob *stob, struct m0_be_domain *dom, uint64_t seg_id)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_seg_fini (struct m0_be_seg *seg)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_seg__invariant (const struct m0_be_seg *seg)
bool m0_be_reg__invariant (const struct m0_be_reg *reg)
static void be_seg_madvise (struct m0_be_seg *seg, m0_bcount_t dump_limit, int flag)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg_open (struct m0_be_seg *seg)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_be_seg_close (struct m0_be_seg *seg)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_seg_contains (const struct m0_be_seg *seg, const void *addr)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_reg_eq (const struct m0_be_reg *r1, const struct m0_be_reg *r2)
M0_INTERNAL m0_bindex_t m0_be_seg_offset (const struct m0_be_seg *seg, const void *addr)
M0_INTERNAL m0_bindex_t m0_be_reg_offset (const struct m0_be_reg *reg)
M0_INTERNAL m0_bcount_t m0_be_seg_reserved (const struct m0_be_seg *seg)
M0_INTERNAL struct m0_be_allocatorm0_be_seg_allocator (struct m0_be_seg *seg)
static int be_seg_io (struct m0_be_reg *reg, void *ptr, enum m0_stob_io_opcode opcode)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg__read (struct m0_be_reg *reg, void *dst)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_seg__write (struct m0_be_reg *reg, void *src)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_reg__read (struct m0_be_reg *reg)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_be_reg__write (struct m0_be_reg *reg)
M0_INTERNAL unsigned long m0_be_reg_gen_idx (const struct m0_be_reg *reg)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_be_seg_contains_stob (struct m0_be_seg *seg, const struct m0_stob_id *stob_id)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 23 of file seg.c.