Motr  M0
Parity de-clustering.

Data Structures

struct  m0_pdclust_attr
struct  m0_layout_pdclust_rec
struct  m0_pdclust_layout
struct  m0_pdclust_instance
struct  m0_pdclust_src_addr
struct  m0_pdclust_tgt_addr


#define M0_PDCLUST_SEED   "upjumpandpumpim,"


enum  m0_pdclust_unit_type { M0_PUT_DATA, M0_PUT_PARITY, M0_PUT_SPARE, M0_PUT_NR }


 M0_BOB_DEFINE (static, &pdclust_bob, m0_pdclust_layout)
 M0_BOB_DEFINE (static, &pdclust_instance_bob, m0_pdclust_instance)
static bool pdclust_allocated_invariant (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
static bool pdclust_invariant (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
static bool pdclust_instance_invariant (const struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi)
static int pdclust_register (struct m0_layout_domain *dom, const struct m0_layout_type *lt)
static void pdclust_unregister (struct m0_layout_domain *dom, const struct m0_layout_type *lt)
static void pdclust_fini (struct m0_ref *ref)
static int pdclust_allocate (struct m0_layout_domain *dom, uint64_t lid, struct m0_layout **out)
static void pdclust_delete (struct m0_layout *l)
static int pdclust_populate (struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl, const struct m0_pdclust_attr *attr, struct m0_layout_enum *le, uint32_t user_count)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_pdclust_build (struct m0_layout_domain *dom, uint64_t lid, const struct m0_pdclust_attr *attr, struct m0_layout_enum *le, struct m0_pdclust_layout **out)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_pdclust_attr_check (const struct m0_pdclust_attr *attr)
M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_N (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_K (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_S (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_P (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_size (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL uint64_t m0_pdclust_unit_size (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL struct m0_pdclust_layoutm0_layout_to_pdl (const struct m0_layout *l)
M0_INTERNAL struct m0_layoutm0_pdl_to_layout (struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl)
M0_INTERNAL struct m0_pdclust_instancem0_layout_instance_to_pdi (const struct m0_layout_instance *li)
static struct m0_pdclust_layoutpi_to_pl (struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi)
static struct m0_layout_enumpdclust_instance_to_enum (const struct m0_layout_instance *li)
M0_INTERNAL enum m0_pdclust_unit_type m0_pdclust_unit_classify (const struct m0_pdclust_layout *pl, int unit)
static m0_bcount_t pdclust_max_recsize (struct m0_layout_domain *dom)
static int pdclust_decode (struct m0_layout *l, struct m0_bufvec_cursor *cur, enum m0_layout_xcode_op op, struct m0_be_tx *tx, uint32_t user_count)
static int pdclust_encode (struct m0_layout *l, enum m0_layout_xcode_op op, struct m0_be_tx *tx, struct m0_bufvec_cursor *out)
static m0_bcount_t pdclust_recsize (const struct m0_layout *l)
static uint64_t m_enc (uint64_t width, uint64_t row, uint64_t column)
static void m_dec (uint64_t width, uint64_t pos, uint64_t *row, uint64_t *column)
static void permute (uint32_t n, uint32_t *k, uint32_t *s, uint32_t *r)
static uint64_t permute_column (struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi, uint64_t omega, uint64_t t)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_instance_map (struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi, const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr *src, struct m0_pdclust_tgt_addr *tgt)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_instance_inv (struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi, const struct m0_pdclust_tgt_addr *tgt, struct m0_pdclust_src_addr *src)
M0_INTERNAL void pdclust_instance_fini (struct m0_layout_instance *li)
M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_perm_cache_destroy (struct m0_layout *layout, struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi)
M0_INTERNAL int m0_pdclust_perm_cache_build (struct m0_layout *layout, struct m0_pdclust_instance *pi)
M0_INTERNAL bool m0_pdclust_is_replicated (struct m0_pdclust_layout *play)
static int pdclust_instance_build (struct m0_layout *l, const struct m0_fid *fid, struct m0_layout_instance **out)
 M0_BASSERT (M0_IS_8ALIGNED(sizeof(struct m0_layout_pdclust_rec)))


static const struct m0_bob_type pdclust_bob
static const struct m0_bob_type pdclust_instance_bob
M0_INTERNAL const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr M0_PDCLUST_SRC_NULL
static const struct m0_layout_ops pdclust_ops
static const struct m0_layout_instance_ops pdclust_instance_ops
static const struct m0_layout_type_ops pdclust_type_ops
struct m0_layout_type m0_pdclust_layout_type
struct m0_layout_type m0_pdclust_layout_type
M0_EXTERN const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr M0_PDCLUST_SRC_NULL

Detailed Description

Parity de-clustered layouts. See the link below for HLD and references to the literature. Parity de-clustering generalises higher RAID patterns (N+K, with K > 1) for the case where an object is striped over more target objects ("devices" in the traditional RAID terminology) than there are units in a parity group. Due to this, parity de-clustered layouts are parametrised by three numbers:

Layout maps source units to target frames. This mapping is defined in terms of "tiles" which are groups of frames. A tile can be seen either as an L*P block of frames, L rows of P columns each, each row containing frames with the same offset in every target object, or as a C*(N+K+S) block of C groups, N+K+S frames each. Here L and C are two additional layout parameters selected so that C*(N+K+S) == L*P.

Looking at a tile as a C*(N+K+S) block, map C consecutive parity groups (each containing N+K+S units) to it, then switch to L*P view and apply a certain permutation (depending on tile number) to columns.

HLD explains why resulting layout mapping function possesses a number of desirable properties.

For documentation links, please refer to this file : doc/motr-design-doc-list.rst

Implementation overview.

Parity de-clustering layout mapping function requires some amount of code dealing with permutations, random sequences generations and conversions between matrices of different shapes.

First, as explained in the HLD, an efficient way to generate permutations uniformly scattered across the set of all permutations of a given set is necessary. To this end permute_column() uses a sequence of pseudo-random numbers obtained from a PRNG (m0_rnd()). Few comments are in order:

Once permutation's Lehmer code is generated, it has to be applied to the set of columns. permute() function applies a permutation, simultaneously building an inverse permutation.

Finally, layout mapping function is defined in terms of conversions between matrices of different shapes. Let's call a matrix having M columns and an arbitrary (probably infinite) number of rows an M-matrix. An element of an M-matrix has (row, column) coordinates. Coordinate pairs can be ordered and enumerated in the "row first" lexicographical order:

    (0, 0) < (0, 1) < ... < (0, M - 1) < (1, 0) < ...

Function m_enc() returns the number a (row, column) element of an M-matrix has in this ordering. Conversely, function m_dec() returns coordinates of the element having a given number in the ordering. With the help of these two function an M-matrix can be re-arranged into an N-matrix in such a way the element position in the ordering remains invariant.

Layout mapping function m0_pdclust_instance_map() performs these re-arrangements in the following places:

Inverse layout mapping function m0_pdclust_instance_inv() performs reverse conversions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define M0_PDCLUST_SEED   "upjumpandpumpim,"

Definition at line 76 of file pdclust.h.



Definition at line 95 of file pdclust.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ m0_pdclust_unit_type

Classification of units in a parity group.


Definition at line 89 of file pdclust.h.

Function Documentation


M0_BASSERT ( M0_IS_8ALIGNED(sizeof(struct m0_layout_pdclust_rec))  )

◆ M0_BOB_DEFINE() [1/2]

M0_BOB_DEFINE ( static  ,

◆ M0_BOB_DEFINE() [2/2]

M0_BOB_DEFINE ( static  ,

◆ m0_layout_instance_to_pdi()

M0_INTERNAL struct m0_pdclust_instance * m0_layout_instance_to_pdi ( const struct m0_layout_instance li)

Returns m0_pdclust_instance object given a m0_layout_instance object.

Definition at line 400 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_layout_to_pdl()

M0_INTERNAL struct m0_pdclust_layout * m0_layout_to_pdl ( const struct m0_layout l)

Returns m0_pdclust_layout object given a m0_layout object.

Definition at line 382 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_attr_check()

M0_INTERNAL bool m0_pdclust_attr_check ( const struct m0_pdclust_attr attr)

Returns true iff pa_P >= pa_N + pa_K + pa_S

Definition at line 340 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_build()

M0_INTERNAL int m0_pdclust_build ( struct m0_layout_domain dom,
uint64_t  lid,
const struct m0_pdclust_attr attr,
struct m0_layout_enum le,
struct m0_pdclust_layout **  out 

Allocates and builds a layout object with the pdclust layout type, by setting its intial ref count to 1.

ergo(rc == 0, pdclust_invariant(*out))
ergo(rc == 0, m0_ref_read(l->l_ref) == 1)
The layout object built by this API is to be finalised by releasing 'the reference on it that has been held during its creation'.
See also

In short: Dual to m0_layout_put() when it is the last reference being released.

Definition at line 305 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_instance_inv()

M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_instance_inv ( struct m0_pdclust_instance pi,
const struct m0_pdclust_tgt_addr tgt,
struct m0_pdclust_src_addr src 

Reverse layout mapping function.

This function is a right inverse of layout mapping function. It is used by SNS repair and other server side mechanisms.

Definition at line 746 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_instance_map()

M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_instance_map ( struct m0_pdclust_instance pi,
const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr src,
struct m0_pdclust_tgt_addr tgt 

Layout mapping function.

This function contains main parity de-clustering logic. It maps source units to target frames. It is used by client IO code to build IO requests and to direct them to the target objects.

Definition at line 701 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_is_replicated()

M0_INTERNAL bool m0_pdclust_is_replicated ( struct m0_pdclust_layout play)

Definition at line 829 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_K()

M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_K ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 357 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_N()

M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_N ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 352 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_P()

M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_P ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 367 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_perm_cache_build()

M0_INTERNAL int m0_pdclust_perm_cache_build ( struct m0_layout layout,
struct m0_pdclust_instance pi 

Definition at line 805 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_perm_cache_destroy()

M0_INTERNAL void m0_pdclust_perm_cache_destroy ( struct m0_layout layout,
struct m0_pdclust_instance pi 

Definition at line 789 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_S()

M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_S ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 362 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_size()

M0_INTERNAL uint32_t m0_pdclust_size ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 372 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_unit_classify()

M0_INTERNAL enum m0_pdclust_unit_type m0_pdclust_unit_classify ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout play,
int  unit 

Returns type of the given unit according to layout information.

Definition at line 425 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdclust_unit_size()

M0_INTERNAL uint64_t m0_pdclust_unit_size ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 377 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_pdl_to_layout()

M0_INTERNAL struct m0_layout * m0_pdl_to_layout ( struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Returns m0_layout object given a m0_pdclust_layout object.

Definition at line 393 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m_dec()

static void m_dec ( uint64_t  width,
uint64_t  pos,
uint64_t *  row,
uint64_t *  column 

"Decoding" function: returns (row, column) coordinates of a pos-th element in a matrix with "width" column when elements are counted row by row. This function is denoted d_{width} in the HLD.

See also

Definition at line 591 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m_enc()

static uint64_t m_enc ( uint64_t  width,
uint64_t  row,
uint64_t  column 

"Encoding" function: returns the number that a (row, column) element of a matrix with "width" columns has when elements are counted row by row. This function is denoted e_{width} in the HLD.

See also

Definition at line 578 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_allocate()

static int pdclust_allocate ( struct m0_layout_domain dom,
uint64_t  lid,
struct m0_layout **  out 

Implementation of lto_allocate() for PDCLUST layout type.

Definition at line 210 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_allocated_invariant()

static bool pdclust_allocated_invariant ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 128 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_decode()

static int pdclust_decode ( struct m0_layout l,
struct m0_bufvec_cursor cur,
enum m0_layout_xcode_op  op,
struct m0_be_tx tx,
uint32_t  user_count 

Implementation of lo_decode() for pdclust layout type.

Definition at line 445 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_delete()

static void pdclust_delete ( struct m0_layout l)

Implementation of lo_delete() for PDCLUST layout type.

Definition at line 244 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_encode()

static int pdclust_encode ( struct m0_layout l,
enum m0_layout_xcode_op  op,
struct m0_be_tx tx,
struct m0_bufvec_cursor out 

Implementation of lo_encode() for pdclust layout type.

Definition at line 514 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_fini()

static void pdclust_fini ( struct m0_ref ref)

Implementation of lo_fini for pdclust layout type.

Definition at line 192 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_instance_build()

static int pdclust_instance_build ( struct m0_layout l,
const struct m0_fid fid,
struct m0_layout_instance **  out 

Implementation of lo_instance_build().

Allocates and builds a parity de-clustered layout instance using the supplied layout 'l' that is necessarily of the type pdclust. It acquires an additional reference on that layout.

ergo(rc == 0, pdclust_instance_invariant(*out) && m0_ref_read(&l->l_ref) > 1))

Definition at line 844 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_instance_fini()

M0_INTERNAL void pdclust_instance_fini ( struct m0_layout_instance li)

Implementation of lio_fini().

Definition at line 929 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_instance_invariant()

static bool pdclust_instance_invariant ( const struct m0_pdclust_instance pi)

Definition at line 149 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_instance_to_enum()

static struct m0_layout_enum* pdclust_instance_to_enum ( const struct m0_layout_instance li)

Implementation of lio_to_enum()

Definition at line 416 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_invariant()

static bool pdclust_invariant ( const struct m0_pdclust_layout pl)

Definition at line 136 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_max_recsize()

static m0_bcount_t pdclust_max_recsize ( struct m0_layout_domain dom)

Implementation of lto_max_recsize() for pdclust layout type.

Definition at line 436 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_populate()

static int pdclust_populate ( struct m0_pdclust_layout pl,
const struct m0_pdclust_attr attr,
struct m0_layout_enum le,
uint32_t  user_count 

Populates pl using the arguments supplied.

Definition at line 262 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_recsize()

static m0_bcount_t pdclust_recsize ( const struct m0_layout l)

Implementation of lo_recsize() for pdclust layout type.

Definition at line 555 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pdclust_register()

static int pdclust_register ( struct m0_layout_domain dom,
const struct m0_layout_type lt 

Implementation of lto_register for PDCLUST layout type. No table is required specifically for PDCLUST layout type.

Definition at line 179 of file pdclust.c.

◆ pdclust_unregister()

static void pdclust_unregister ( struct m0_layout_domain dom,
const struct m0_layout_type lt 

Implementation of lto_unregister for PDCLUST layout type.

Definition at line 186 of file pdclust.c.

◆ permute()

static void permute ( uint32_t  n,
uint32_t *  k,
uint32_t *  s,
uint32_t *  r 

Apply a permutation given by its Lehmer code in k[] to a set s[] of n elements and build inverse permutation in r[].

n- number of elements in k[], s[] and r[]
k- Lehmer code of the permutation
s- an array to permute
r- an array to build inverse permutation in
m0_forall(i, n, k[i] + i < n)
m0_forall(i, n, s[i] < n && ergo(s[i] == s[j], i == j))
m0_forall(i, n, s[i] < n && ergo(s[i] == s[j], i == j))
m0_forall(i, n, s[r[i]] == i && r[s[i]] == i)

Definition at line 611 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ permute_column()

static uint64_t permute_column ( struct m0_pdclust_instance pi,
uint64_t  omega,
uint64_t  t 

Returns column number that a column t has after a permutation for tile omega is applied.

Not sure if this should be replaced by an ADDB DP or a M0_LOG.

Definition at line 652 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pi_to_pl()

static struct m0_pdclust_layout* pi_to_pl ( struct m0_pdclust_instance pi)

Definition at line 408 of file pdclust.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ m0_pdclust_layout_type [1/2]

struct m0_layout_type m0_pdclust_layout_type

Definition at line 968 of file pdclust.c.

◆ m0_pdclust_layout_type [2/2]

struct m0_layout_type m0_pdclust_layout_type
Initial value:
= {
.lt_name = "pdclust",
.lt_id = 0,
.lt_ref_count = 0,
.lt_ops = &pdclust_type_ops
static const struct m0_layout_type_ops pdclust_type_ops
Definition: pdclust.c:961

Definition at line 968 of file pdclust.c.


M0_INTERNAL const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr M0_PDCLUST_SRC_NULL
Initial value:
= {
.sa_group = UINT64_MAX,
.sa_unit = UINT64_MAX,
#define UINT64_MAX
Definition: types.h:44

Definition at line 123 of file pdclust.c.


M0_EXTERN const struct m0_pdclust_src_addr M0_PDCLUST_SRC_NULL

Definition at line 331 of file pdclust.h.

◆ pdclust_bob

const struct m0_bob_type pdclust_bob
Initial value:
= {
.bt_name = "pdclust",
.bt_magix_offset = offsetof(struct m0_pdclust_layout, pl_magic),
.bt_check = NULL
#define NULL
Definition: misc.h:38
#define offsetof(typ, memb)
Definition: misc.h:29

Definition at line 105 of file pdclust.c.

◆ pdclust_instance_bob

const struct m0_bob_type pdclust_instance_bob
Initial value:
= {
.bt_name = "pd_instance",
.bt_magix_offset = offsetof(struct m0_pdclust_instance, pi_magic),
.bt_check = NULL
#define NULL
Definition: misc.h:38
#define offsetof(typ, memb)
Definition: misc.h:29

Definition at line 114 of file pdclust.c.

◆ pdclust_instance_ops

static const struct m0_layout_instance_ops pdclust_instance_ops
Initial value:
= {
.lio_fini = pdclust_instance_fini,
.lio_to_enum = pdclust_instance_to_enum
static struct m0_layout_enum * pdclust_instance_to_enum(const struct m0_layout_instance *li)
Definition: pdclust.c:416
M0_INTERNAL void pdclust_instance_fini(struct m0_layout_instance *li)
Definition: pdclust.c:929

Definition at line 786 of file pdclust.c.

◆ pdclust_ops

static const struct m0_layout_ops pdclust_ops
Initial value:
= {
.lo_fini = pdclust_fini,
.lo_delete = pdclust_delete,
.lo_recsize = pdclust_recsize,
.lo_instance_build = pdclust_instance_build,
.lo_decode = pdclust_decode,
.lo_encode = pdclust_encode
static void pdclust_fini(struct m0_ref *ref)
Definition: pdclust.c:192
static int pdclust_instance_build(struct m0_layout *l, const struct m0_fid *fid, struct m0_layout_instance **out)
Definition: pdclust.c:844
static m0_bcount_t pdclust_recsize(const struct m0_layout *l)
Definition: pdclust.c:555
static int pdclust_encode(struct m0_layout *l, enum m0_layout_xcode_op op, struct m0_be_tx *tx, struct m0_bufvec_cursor *out)
Definition: pdclust.c:514
static void pdclust_delete(struct m0_layout *l)
Definition: pdclust.c:244
static int pdclust_decode(struct m0_layout *l, struct m0_bufvec_cursor *cur, enum m0_layout_xcode_op op, struct m0_be_tx *tx, uint32_t user_count)
Definition: pdclust.c:445

Definition at line 208 of file pdclust.c.

◆ pdclust_type_ops

const struct m0_layout_type_ops pdclust_type_ops
Initial value:
= {
.lto_register = pdclust_register,
.lto_unregister = pdclust_unregister,
.lto_max_recsize = pdclust_max_recsize,
.lto_allocate = pdclust_allocate,
static m0_bcount_t pdclust_max_recsize(struct m0_layout_domain *dom)
Definition: pdclust.c:436
static int pdclust_register(struct m0_layout_domain *dom, const struct m0_layout_type *lt)
Definition: pdclust.c:179
static void pdclust_unregister(struct m0_layout_domain *dom, const struct m0_layout_type *lt)
Definition: pdclust.c:186
static int pdclust_allocate(struct m0_layout_domain *dom, uint64_t lid, struct m0_layout **out)
Definition: pdclust.c:210

Definition at line 961 of file pdclust.c.