Motr  M0
Collaboration diagram for Network:

Data Structures

struct  net_test_network_bd
struct  net_test_network_bds_header


static struct m0_net_test_network_ctxcb_ctx_extract (const struct m0_net_buffer_event *ev)
static uint32_t cb_buf_index_extract (const struct m0_net_buffer_event *ev, struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, enum m0_net_queue_type q)
static void cb_default (const struct m0_net_buffer_event *ev)
static int net_test_buf_init (struct m0_net_buffer *buf, m0_bcount_t size, struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, bool is_pingbuf)
static void net_test_buf_fini (struct m0_net_buffer *buf, struct m0_net_domain *dom)
static void net_test_bufs_fini (struct m0_net_buffer *buf, uint32_t buf_nr, struct m0_net_domain *dom)
static int net_test_bufs_init (struct m0_net_buffer *buf, uint32_t buf_nr, m0_bcount_t size, struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx)
static void net_test_tm_stop (struct m0_net_transfer_mc *tm)
bool m0_net_test_network_ctx_invariant (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx)
static int net_test_network_ctx_initfini (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, struct m0_net_test_network_cfg *cfg, const char *tm_addr)
int m0_net_test_network_ctx_init (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, struct m0_net_test_network_cfg *cfg, const char *tm_addr)
void m0_net_test_network_ctx_fini (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx)
int m0_net_test_network_ep_add (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, const char *ep_addr)
int m0_net_test_network_ep_add_slist (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, const struct m0_net_test_slist *eps)
static int net_test_buf_queue (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, struct m0_net_buffer *nb, enum m0_net_queue_type q)
int m0_net_test_network_msg_send_ep (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index, struct m0_net_end_point *ep)
int m0_net_test_network_msg_send (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index, uint32_t ep_index)
int m0_net_test_network_msg_recv (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index)
int m0_net_test_network_bulk_enqueue (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, int32_t buf_bulk_index, int32_t ep_index, enum m0_net_queue_type q)
void m0_net_test_network_buffer_dequeue (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type buf_type, int32_t buf_index)
 TYPE_DESCR (net_test_network_bd)
 TYPE_DESCR (net_test_network_bds_header)
static m0_bcount_t network_bd_serialize (enum m0_net_test_serialize_op op, struct m0_net_buffer *buf, struct m0_bufvec *bv, m0_bcount_t bv_offset)
static m0_bcount_t network_bds_serialize (enum m0_net_test_serialize_op op, size_t *nr, struct m0_bufvec *bv)
static size_t network_bd_nr_add (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index, int32_t value)
m0_bcount_t m0_net_test_network_bd_serialize (enum m0_net_test_serialize_op op, struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_bulk_index, uint32_t buf_ping_index, m0_bcount_t offset)
size_t m0_net_test_network_bd_nr (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index)
void m0_net_test_network_bd_nr_dec (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_ping_index)
struct m0_net_bufferm0_net_test_network_buf (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type buf_type, uint32_t buf_index)
int m0_net_test_network_buf_resize (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type buf_type, uint32_t buf_index, m0_bcount_t new_size)
void m0_net_test_network_buf_fill (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type buf_type, uint32_t buf_index, uint8_t fill)
struct m0_net_end_pointm0_net_test_network_ep (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, size_t ep_index)
ssize_t m0_net_test_network_ep_search (struct m0_net_test_network_ctx *ctx, const char *ep_addr)
struct m0_net_test_network_timeouts m0_net_test_network_timeouts_never (void)


static struct m0_net_buffer_callbacks net_test_network_buf_cb

Detailed Description


add timeouts to channels and network buffers

align code (function parameters etc.)

cache m0_vec_count()

See also
Motr Network Benchmark

Function Documentation

◆ cb_buf_index_extract()

static uint32_t cb_buf_index_extract ( const struct m0_net_buffer_event ev,
struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
enum m0_net_queue_type  q 

Get buffer number in net-test network context for the buffer event.

Definition at line 60 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cb_ctx_extract()

static struct m0_net_test_network_ctx* cb_ctx_extract ( const struct m0_net_buffer_event ev)

Get net-test network context for the buffer event.

Definition at line 52 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cb_default()

static void cb_default ( const struct m0_net_buffer_event ev)

Default callback for all network buffers. Calls user-defined callback for the buffer.

See also

Definition at line 87 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_bd_nr()

size_t m0_net_test_network_bd_nr ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index 

Get number of stored network buffer descriptors in ping buffer.

See also
Using bulk buffer network descriptors
ctx != NULL
buf_ping_index < ctx->ntc_cfg.ntncfg_buf_ping_nr

Definition at line 712 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_bd_nr_dec()

void m0_net_test_network_bd_nr_dec ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index 

Decrease number of network buffer descriptors in ping buffer. This function simply decreases number of network buffer descriptors stored in ping buffer.

See also
Using bulk buffer network descriptors

Definition at line 718 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_bd_serialize()

m0_bcount_t m0_net_test_network_bd_serialize ( enum m0_net_test_serialize_op  op,
struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_bulk_index,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index,
m0_bcount_t  offset 

Serialize or deserialize bulk buffer network transport descriptor to/from ping buffer.

See also
Using bulk buffer network descriptors
opSerialization operation.
ctxNet-test network context.
buf_bulk_indexBulk buffer index. Buffer descriptor will be taken from this buffer for serialization and set for this buffer after deserialization.
buf_ping_indexPing buffer index. This buffer will be used as container to serialized buffer descriptors.
offsetOffset in the ping buffer to serialize/deserialize network descriptor. Should have value 0 for the first descriptor when serializing/deserializing.
length of serialized/deserialized buffer descriptor.
ctx != NULL
buf_bulk_index < ctx->ntc_cfg.ntncfg_buf_bulk_nr
buf_ping_index < ctx->ntc_cfg.ntncfg_buf_ping_nr
possible security vulnerability because bounds are not checked

Definition at line 655 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_buf()

struct m0_net_buffer* m0_net_test_network_buf ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type  buf_type,
uint32_t  buf_index 

Accessor to buffers in net-test network context.

Definition at line 725 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_buf_fill()

void m0_net_test_network_buf_fill ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type  buf_type,
uint32_t  buf_index,
uint8_t  fill 

Fill entire buffer m0_bufvec with char ch. Useful for unit tests.

use m0_bufvec_cursor_step

Definition at line 756 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_buf_resize()

int m0_net_test_network_buf_resize ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type  buf_type,
uint32_t  buf_index,
m0_bcount_t  new_size 
isn't safe because net_test_buf_init() can fail

Definition at line 741 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_buffer_dequeue()

void m0_net_test_network_buffer_dequeue ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
enum m0_net_test_network_buf_type  buf_type,
int32_t  buf_index 

Remove network buffer from queue.

See also
ctxNet-test network context.
buf_indexIndex of buffer in ctx->ntc_buf_bulk or ntc->buf_ping arrays, depending on buf_type parameter.
buf_typeBuffer type.

Definition at line 500 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_bulk_enqueue()

int m0_net_test_network_bulk_enqueue ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
int32_t  buf_bulk_index,
int32_t  ep_index,
enum m0_net_queue_type  q 

Add bulk buffer to bulk passive/active send/recv queue.

ctxNet-test network context.
buf_bulk_indexIndex of buffer in ctx->ntc_buf_bulk array.
ep_indexEntry point index in ctx->ntc_ep array. Makes sense only for passive send/recv queue.
qQueue type. Should be one of bulk queue types.

Definition at line 479 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ctx_fini()

void m0_net_test_network_ctx_fini ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx)

Finalize net-test network context

Definition at line 374 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ctx_init()

int m0_net_test_network_ctx_init ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
struct m0_net_test_network_cfg cfg,
const char *  tm_addr 

Initialize net-test network context. Allocate ping and bulk buffers.

ctxnet-test network context structure.
cfgnet-test network context configuration. Function will make make a copy of this structure in ctx, so there is no need to keep cfg valid until m0_net_test_network_ctx_fini().
tm_addrtransfer machine address (example: "0@lo:12345:42:1024")
if cfg.ntncfg_sync parameter is set, then m0_net_buffer_event_deliver_synchronously() will be called for transfer machine and m0_net_buffer_event_deliver_all() should be used for buffer event delivery.
See also
ctx != NULL
cfg != NULL
tm_addr != NULL
0 (success)
-ECONNREFUSED m0_net_tm_start() failed.
-errno (failire)
create configuration structure instead a lot of parameters

Definition at line 367 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ctx_invariant()

bool m0_net_test_network_ctx_invariant ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx)

Invariant for net-test network context

Definition at line 249 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ep()

struct m0_net_end_point* m0_net_test_network_ep ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
size_t  ep_index 

Accessor for endpoints by index.

Definition at line 783 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ep_add()

int m0_net_test_network_ep_add ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
const char *  ep_addr 

Add endpoint to m0_net_test_network_ctx structure.

endpoint number.
-E2BIG ctx->ntc_ep already contains maximum number of endpoints.
-errno (if failure)
ep_addr != NULL

Definition at line 380 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ep_add_slist()

int m0_net_test_network_ep_add_slist ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
const struct m0_net_test_slist eps 

Add endpoints to m0_net_test_network_ctx structure. If some endpoint addition fails, then no endpoints will be added to network context and all added endpoints will be m0_net_end_point_put()'ed.

-E2BIG ctx->ntc_ep already contains maximum number of endpoints.

Definition at line 400 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_ep_search()

ssize_t m0_net_test_network_ep_search ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
const char *  ep_addr 

Search for ep_addr in m0_net_test_network_ctx.ntc_ep This function have time complexity of O(number of endpoints in the network context).

>= 0 endpoint index
-1 endpoint not found

Definition at line 791 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_msg_recv()

int m0_net_test_network_msg_recv ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index 

Add message to network messages receive queue.

See also

Definition at line 469 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_msg_send()

int m0_net_test_network_msg_send ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index,
uint32_t  ep_index 

Add message buffer to network messages send queue.

ctxNet-test network context.
buf_ping_indexIndex of buffer in ctx->ntc_buf_ping array.
ep_indexEntry point index in ctx->ntc_ep array. Entry points should be added to this array prior to calling this function using m0_net_test_network_ep_add(). Message will be sent to this endpoint.

Definition at line 457 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_msg_send_ep()

int m0_net_test_network_msg_send_ep ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index,
struct m0_net_end_point ep 

Add message buffer to network messages send queue. Use struct m0_net_end_point instead of endpoint index.

See also

Definition at line 442 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ m0_net_test_network_timeouts_never()

struct m0_net_test_network_timeouts m0_net_test_network_timeouts_never ( void  )

Return m0_net_test_network_timeouts, filled with M0_TIME_NEVER. Useful because M0_TIME_NEVER is declared as "extern const".

Definition at line 803 of file network.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_buf_fini()

static void net_test_buf_fini ( struct m0_net_buffer buf,
struct m0_net_domain dom 

Definition at line 187 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_buf_init()

static int net_test_buf_init ( struct m0_net_buffer buf,
m0_bcount_t  size,
struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
bool  is_pingbuf 

Initialize network buffer with given size (allocate and register within domain).

See also
buf != NULL

Definition at line 129 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_buf_queue()

static int net_test_buf_queue ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
struct m0_net_buffer nb,
enum m0_net_queue_type  q 

Definition at line 424 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_bufs_fini()

static void net_test_bufs_fini ( struct m0_net_buffer buf,
uint32_t  buf_nr,
struct m0_net_domain dom 

Definition at line 197 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_bufs_init()

static int net_test_bufs_init ( struct m0_net_buffer buf,
uint32_t  buf_nr,
m0_bcount_t  size,
struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx 

Definition at line 207 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_network_ctx_initfini()

static int net_test_network_ctx_initfini ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
struct m0_net_test_network_cfg cfg,
const char *  tm_addr 
make ctx->ntc_dom embedded into ctx
replace gmc and ctx

Definition at line 256 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ net_test_tm_stop()

static void net_test_tm_stop ( struct m0_net_transfer_mc tm)

Stop transfer machine and wait for state transition

Definition at line 229 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ network_bd_nr_add()

static size_t network_bd_nr_add ( struct m0_net_test_network_ctx ctx,
uint32_t  buf_ping_index,
int32_t  value 

Number of serialized network buffer descriptors in ping buffer is stored inside ping buffer in serialized form. This function modifies this number.

ctxNetwork context
buf_ping_indexIndex of ping buffer
valueThis value will be added to the number of serialized network buffer descriptors. Can be -1, 0, 1. If it is -1, then function will M0_ASSERT() that number will not underflow.
New value of number of serialized network buffer descriptors.

Definition at line 626 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ network_bd_serialize()

static m0_bcount_t network_bd_serialize ( enum m0_net_test_serialize_op  op,
struct m0_net_buffer buf,
struct m0_bufvec bv,
m0_bcount_t  bv_offset 
See also

Definition at line 542 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ network_bds_serialize()

static m0_bcount_t network_bds_serialize ( enum m0_net_test_serialize_op  op,
size_t *  nr,
struct m0_bufvec bv 

Definition at line 585 of file network.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TYPE_DESCR() [1/2]

TYPE_DESCR ( net_test_network_bd  )


◆ TYPE_DESCR() [2/2]

TYPE_DESCR ( net_test_network_bds_header  )


Variable Documentation

◆ net_test_network_buf_cb